Friday, August 8, 2008
Tomorrow's trip.......
We have gone here before when it was in Portsmouth, NH. They just moved it to Dover and it looks great! Hopefully the kids will have fun!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
So, I am trying to figure out some fun things to do with them before Summer is over.
This is my list so far:
~Parks for picnics
~Museums-we have plenty of those in NH
~The Penny Candy Store (very nostalgic country store)
~Ice Cream Parlor (we really do have a "parlor" around here lol)
~Toasting marshmallows
So, these are the things I have come up with. I will take pictures of everything we do. If you have any recommendations, please, please share them!!!!!!!!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
What my kids do on vacation!

Saturday, April 26, 2008
Cooking made easy

Then, chop all the veggies:
Oops! No Diet Pepsi in the recipe-that's mine! ;)
Chicken & veggies simmering in soy sauce.

Then cook the brown rice:
Voila! The finished dish! It was so good! I will definitely make it again!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Finally! Burrito night!
So, these burritos were probably the best I have ever made myself! Even Arron was impressed!
I did take pictures up until the steak was done.....then my camera died! Ooops!
So here is the burrito in the making!
First, I cut up all the veggies and it looked so yummy. (this is so good just eaten with Tortilla chips!)

Then, Arron suggested that we grill the steak. Great idea!! So, me, the woman who nevah grills, started the grill. This is the meat on the grill!

Next, I made the rice. I looked at the box and was like, huh? Darn it! I got chicken flavored! Ah well. So, I cooked it.
So, here are the tortillas & salsa (the boys like extra salsa!) I just thought i would take this one. :)

And this is the last one before my camera died! It is the meat fully cooked! Soooooo yummy! I highly suggest making this recipe! I don't think I will be buying any burrito kits again!

Really, you should make these soon! They are so easy & soooo yummy! Hopefully, next time you can see the finished result!!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Pushed back another day.
Monday, April 7, 2008
What's for dinner?
I did my groceries this past weekend and I cannot belive how expensive food has gotten! I remember when a can of tuna was $.89-it's now $1.49-crazy!! I got all the ingredients for this weeks meals. (although tonight, my sweet husband will be cooking!)
So, for tomorrow, Austin said he would like to make steak burritos. I always like to make a side of Spanish rice but none of my children will eat it. More for hubby & me! So, I went online and found a good steak burrito recipe from Rachael Ray's website. It looks great & Austin agreed! So, that is the recipe for tomorrow night. Here is the recipe:
Rachael Ray's Skirt Steak Burritos with Tomato-Corn Salsa
I will post pictures tomorrow!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Ah, love!

Thursday, April 3, 2008
Cooking with the Kids
So, I have been reading this magazine since Dayton was a baby. Trying to find the best new baby toys, games, ideas for crafts, places to visit across the US, holiday ideas (they have the best Halloween costume ideas!) party ideas (the best!) and so, so much more. I could never throw them away! As a mother, I depend on this stuff!
So, I sat down today & tore out the recipes that I have used and loved over the past year or so. My kids love to help cook, especially Sierra. She brings a bar stool up to the counter and helps me mix, stir, pour and taste-the best part! The boys help sometimes but they aren't really into that kinda thing-except licking the spoon full of cake batter. I ended up with quite a stack of pages. I indeed will be using these recipes often. The kids have one night a week that they get to pick what to eat for dinner. Monday is Austin, Tuesday is Dayton & Wednesday is Sierra. They are pretty easy meals. Austin usually picks mexican, Dayton is usually some sort of meat & potatoes and Sierra varies-a lot! lol
So, I am going to start sharing what the kids chose to eat on "their" night. Every week I will share the recipe along with a picture. I am really looking forward to this!
Here is one of my favorite (easy) recipes that me and the kids have made.
Cheese Calzones
Easy Pizza Dough
3/4 cup Quick Marinara Sauce
1 1/2 cups grated cheese
1 1/2 cups chopped broccoli crowns or 1 1/2 cups sliced precooked sausage
1. Make a batch of Easy Pizza Dough and prepare a large baking sheet.
2. Divide the dough in half. With floured hands, press each half into a large oval, then switch to a rolling pin and roll it out until it measures about 6 by 9 inches.
3. Now your child can spoon sauce across the bottom half of each oval, leaving a 1-inch border uncovered. Then she should sprinkle on the cheese, followed by the broccoli pieces or sausage, dividing the toppings equally between the 2 calzones. TIP: Cut the broccoli into small pieces--the steam in the baking calzone will cook it to just the right tenderness.
4. Use a fingertip to lightly moisten the entire edge of the dough with water, then fold the top over the side that's piled with toppings, matching up the edges. Pinch together the edges, making sure the layers stick. TIP: When sealing the calzones, pinch together the edges and give them a short roll to create a roped edge.
5. Transfer the calzones onto the baking sheet, spacing them well apart, and use a knife to poke 3 or 4 small steam vents in the top of each one. Let the calzones rest for 10 minutes while you heat the oven to 400°.
6. Bake the calzones on the center oven rack for about 30 minutes, until dark and crusty on the top and bottom. Slide the calzones onto a wire rack and let them cool for at least 10 to 15 minutes before slicing. Be careful--the steam inside can be very hot. Serves 4 to 6.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Good eats!

Mom looks thrilled at her messy little Ava! It's only once in a lifetime your baby gets to do this, right! (especially for Ava!) It didn't last too long because she was quickly swept away and cleaned up for gift opening.
There's my sweetie! She was tuckered out but definitely had her good eats!